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Meet CGSA's College Counselor

Anne E. Weisel, College Counselor CGSA / [email protected] / 912.856.1866

The college search process can be an overwhelming experience for anyone.  This is all the more true for the student athlete!  Not only must they find the right fit academically, but they must also match their playing ability and scholarship potential.  Often times players and their families do not receive athletically tailored college counseling from the traditional sources of guidance and are challenged by the task of encorporating this aspect to their search on their own. 

The purpose of CGSA’s college counseling is to assist players and their families with the blending in of their athletic aspirations to their college search.  This guidance can be provided through team presentations, small group sessions, or individual meetings with players and their families.  As an experienced high school counselor and former college admissions professional, I can provide unique support and guidance to your search. Along with the support of my husband, coach for CGSA and Assistant Men’s Soccer Coach for Savannah College of Art and Design, I provide CGSA players and their families with a trustworthy reference in this challenging athletic arena.  Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of help in your search, I am here to help!                                                     


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