College Counseling Services and Fees
The college search process is an overwhelming time in the lives of students and their families. The college counseling services provided by CGSA will help students and parents better understand the college search process and the role athletics plays in that process. A sucessful college counseling experience will empower the student to feel ownership of and confidence in their choice of schools as well as provide the tools they need to navigate their search. Counseling services can involve:
- a guided self-assesment process
- assistance with developing a list of appropriate schools
- guidance in all aspects of the application process
- interview preparation, including mock interviews
- an integration of the student’s athletic interest into each of these areas
To determine how some, or all, of these services can assist your family please feel free to contact me so that we can discuss your specific interests.
Until the new offices of CGSA are open in November appointments can take place directly in your home or at an alternative location. All appointments will be scheduled at a location that can provide internet access. The fee for appointments regardless to location is $40.00 per hour. Players are welcome to team up with a friend and split the fees with the understanding that the time, and attention of the counselor, will be split between those present. Parents are always welcome to arrange informational sessions as well.