Soccer Fact Sheet
CGSA will have annually selected Select Soccer Teams for both boys
and girls in every age bracket U-11 to U-19. There are on occasion
seasons when a particular age or gender will
not have a team. It is expected that once a player is selected and
agrees to play that he or she is committed to the team for the year
i.e. fall and spring season.
$275 per season which covers GYSA registration and CGSA registration, coaching fee and team camp that will be held August 1st through August 5th.
On average, CGSA select teams have 4 or 5 away games. These away
games are usually in the metro Atlanta area but can be anywhere
in the state GA. CGSA request that the away games be played as a
Saturday/Sunday pair so that the teams only need to make two or
three road trips.
The CGSA Director of Coaching assigns the select coaches for each
team. All of our select coaches are USSF licensed with most holding
a “D” or better license.
The regular fall season will run from early September to mid November.
The regular spring season will run from early March to mid May.
Team tryouts are held early June.
Each select team is required to go to one pre-season tournament
in the fall. This fall the teams will be going to one of
four tournaments, Atlanta Kohs's Cup, Greensboro Nike Shootout and Jacksonville Shootout on Labor Day
weekend or South Charlotte Cup on Aug. 20 & 21. The Select U-15 and above are required to attend the Savannah Senior Cup November 12 &13. The Select teams U-14 and below are required to attend the Savannah Select Cups in January.
The cost for all tournaments is not included in the registration
fee and is handled by the team manager.
Most select teams train twice a week at either the CGSA St Joseph’s
training facility or the Chatham County Soccer Complex. Actual days
and times will be determined by the team and availability of field
CGSA has adopted a new Select uniform for the 2005-2008 season. At the mandatory CGSA Select program meeting on June 13th for U-11 and U-12 players, June 30th for U-13 through U-19 players you will be fitted and your uniforms orded at a cost of $100. (Time and Venue to be announced) CGSA will be collecting the uniform payment and placing the orders for all select teams.The Xara uniform kit will include a royal blue jersey with white and black detailing, an all white jersey, black shorts and 2 pairs of socks, one white and one royal blue, and a training shirt. In order to be placed on an official state roster and recieve the uniform on time for the start of the season all required paperwork and money must be completed by July 8, 2005. There will be optional items available for individual purchase through CGSA at discounted prices.