Developmental Soccer Program
CGSA will divide the 20 or so U-6 Micro teams into two divisions. One division will have the second season and older teams, the other division will have first season, younger and girl teams. Each team will have 5 or 6 players with six (6) being a maximum number of players (there maybe some exceptions to this). We try to set the maximum number at six to ensure 50% playing time for all players. The U-8 Program is divided into two divisions, boys & girls. Each team will have a maximum number of eight (8) players on their roster (there may be some exceptions to this).
For age U/6 and U/8 the cost for the season will be $83.00 and will include the new style uniform (if you already purchased this uniform in the spring 07 season the cost for registration will be $60.00). This covers Georgia Youth Soccer registration fees, insurance, local authority fees and CGSA administration. The uniform will consist of a jersey, shorts, socks and a training t-shirt.
The Fall season will start around the second or third weekend in September and will run for approximately 8-9 weeks. The Spring season will normally start around the second or third weekend in March and will run about 8-9 weeks. During each season, there is the possibility of a bye week-end for each team.
All games are usually played at Ambuc Field in the fall and at the Chatham County Soccer Complex on Sallie Mood Drive in the spring, more specifically on field #8. All U/6 teams play two games per day, each game is 20 minutes long with substitutions made as needed. There will be a 5 minute break between the first and second game. The U-8 teams will start their games as per their posted schedule (1 game with 2 x 25 minute halves).
At the end of each season, CGSA puts on a micro soccer jamberee where the coaches will collect the participation awards for his/her team.The players will also enjoy other gifts and treats provided by CGSA
Each team will have a volunteer coach and team manager. CGSA provide material for training sessions and also runs coaching clinics for the coaches throughout the year. For more information on these items, please call the club office at 912-691-2472
Most Micro teams practice once per week at a time and location most convenient for the team. Gary Wright, CGSA’s Club Director will be interacting with the teams and coaches throughout the season and is available for any coaching advice.
Uniforms and Equipment:
Uniforms will be included in the cost of registration. Every player must wear Shinguards during all practices and games. Micro players use size 3 soccer balls and should bring one to practice.