Volunteers Needed

Please contact the club at 691-2472 if you would be willing to help

We have many opportunities to help CGSA run smoother and serve the needs of our players.  Even if you have an hour a month, we could use your help.  Some of the things we need help with are:

         Packing our new recreation coaches kits.

         Information booth during our recreation games on Saturday mornings.

         Answering phone calls during the day.

         Tournament help.  CGSA has 5 tournaments each year that require a tremendous amount of help.

You can email the club at:  [email protected] for more information and to let us know that you would be willing to help when needed.

Thank you for all that you do to make CGSA a success.  We couldn’t do it without all of our volunteers!!!


  � Copyright 2008 Coastal Georgia Soccer Association. All rights reserved.
  � Copyright 2008 Demosphere International, Inc. All rights reserved.